

In Iran, different types of honey can be found due to the presence of all types of natural vegetation. Natural honey has various types which are classified taking into account different criteria. Honey is classified based on its harvest season, type of the plants fed by honey bees, etc. Honey variety is very high in Iran which we mention some of them.

Thyme honey

One of the different types of honey which is mostly produced in mountain postures of Iran is thyme honey. Thyme honey usually has a darker color than ordinary honeys and its color is reddish.

Preventing convulsion and epilepsy, boosting eye sight, reducing joint pain, eliminating general infections of the body and improving breathing are some of the benefits of thyme honey.

Type of package: 500-gram and 900-gram jars

Storage condition: at room temperature

Optimal shelf life: two years

Coriander honey

This plant is one the native Mediterranean and South European plants. It is also widely available in Iran. This honey is effective for things such as reducing joint pain, treating common cold and muscle spasm, improving irritant cough, treating aphtha and other similar oral and dental problems, increasing sexual stamina, etc.

Type of package: 500-gram and 900-gram jars

Storage condition: at room temperature

Optimal shelf life: two years

Sidr honey

Another very nutritious and rich honey among classification of types of honey is Ziziphus Honey or Sidr Honey. Treating cancer, relieving back pain, strengthening hair, increasing sexual stamina, using it as a burn ointment, a rich source in protein, reducing anemia and strengthening the nerves are some of wonderful properties and benefits of this honey.

Type of package: 500-gram and 900-gram jars

Storage condition: at room temperature

Optimal shelf life: two years

Eucalyptus honey

We all know eucalyptus as an aromatic plant with a potent and cold aroma which is used in many cosmetic and food industries. This plant is very effective for curing common cold and its spray is used for opening nasal passage. The honey bees that feed on this plant produce eucalyptus honey which has a dark green color and sometimes is black in color.

Some of the most important properties and benefits of eucalyptus and its honey include treating infections of genital tract, treatment of bronchitis, influenza and malaria diseases. It should be mentioned that consumption of eucalyptus in any form is harmful during pregnancy and lactation and must not be consumed.

Type of package: 500-gram and 900-gram jars

Storage condition: at room temperature

Optimal shelf life: two years

Gavan honey

GAVAN is also another plant which the honey produced from it is very useful and is produced in Iran as well. This honey has a very mild and pleasant fragrance and flavor and for this reason is very popular with consumers. Another major reason for popularity of GAVAN honey is the very low content of sucrose in this honey that makes it suitable for all people in particular patients with diabetes. Some of the benefits of consuming this honey include treating sinusitis, stopping the growth of all types of tumor, treating stomach ache and improving dyspnea.

Type of package: 500-gram and 900-gram jars

Storage condition: at room temperature

Optimal shelf life: two years